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Sustainable employees

The best asset a company can have

Our focus lies on offering top-class insurance policies that contribute to companies having safe and healthy employees who can work and feel well at the same time. We call this Sustainable employees.

With our insurance policies, companies get help to create Sustainable employees. Employees who both want and manage to be productive throughout the workday – and, in addition, have energy left over for their spare time and family.

This is our focus and it is here that we know we can make the most difference for people, companies and society in general. Sustainable employees is also our most important effort in our endeavours towards our vision of contributing to a safe and healthy world.

For us, insurance and health go hand in hand. Employees who are both safe and healthy is the foundation for performance and success, both as a company and as an employee. Because when the employees are doing well, so, too, is the company.

Therefore, employees do not just get financial security from our insurance policies when unexpected adversities of life occurs. The insurance policies can also contribute so they can work and feel well at the same time.

Together we create Sustainable employees. The finest and most valuable asset a company can have.

With the right insurances and focus on health, early and targeted interventions, employees will feel safe and stay healthy. When you are safe and sound, you provide more - and when the employee is well, the whole company does better.


Thomas Petersson, Group CEO, Euro Accident

Med de helt rigtige forsikringer og fokus på sundhed, tidlige og målrettede indsatser vil medarbejderne føle tryghed og forblive raske. Når man er tryg og rask, yder man mere – og når medarbejderen har det godt, klarer hele virksomheden sig bedre.

Thomas Petersson, Group CEO, Euro Accident